O parte din echipa Camerei de Comert si Industrie Romania-Israel (CCIRI) a participat la Conferinta FOCUS Bucuresti – Digitalizare si Dezvoltare Urbana, organizata de Camera de Comert si Industrie Bucuresti.
Aceasta conferinta a fost o platforma importanta pentru schimbul de idei si bune practici in domeniul transformarii digitale si dezvoltarii urbane durabile. Participarea noastra subliniaza angajamentul CCIRI de a ramane in fruntea solutiilor inovatoare si de a promova eforturile de colaborare in aceste domenii esentiale.
In cadrul evenimentului, echipa noastra a purtat discutii cu lideri din industrie, oficiali guvernamentali si experti in tehnologia digitala si planificare urbana. Am abordat subiecte precum initiativele smart city, integrarea tehnologiilor digitale in infrastructura urbana, strategiile de dezvoltare durabila si importanta parteneriatelor public-private.
A part of the Romania-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIRI) team participated in the FOCUS Bucharest Conference – Digitalization and Urban Development, organized by the Bucharest Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
This conference was an important platform for exchanging ideas and best practices in the field of digital transformation and sustainable urban development. Our participation emphasizes CCIRI’s commitment to staying at the forefront of innovative solutions and promoting collaborative efforts in these essential areas.
During the event, our team engaged in discussions with industry leaders, government officials, and experts in digital technology and urban planning. We addressed topics such as smart city initiatives, the integration of digital technologies into urban infrastructure, sustainable development strategies, and the importance of public-private partnerships.