Camera de Comert si Industrie Romania-Israel (CCIRI) are placerea de a anunta participarea activa la evenimentul Black Sea Defense & Aerospace (BSDA), o reuniune prestigioasa ce aduce impreuna factori de decizie din industriile de aparare si aerospatiala.
BSDA reprezinta o platforma vitala pentru facilitarea dialogului si colaborarii intre lideri din industrie, oficiali guvernamentali si experti din intreaga lume. Prin participarea la acest eveniment, CCIRI isi subliniaza angajamentul de a promova relatii economice si strategice puternice intre Romania si Israel, in special in sectoarele de aparare si aerospatiala.
Implicarea CCIRI in cadrul BSDA evidentiaza dedicarea noastra de a sprijini cresterea si dezvoltarea afacerilor membrilor nostri si de a intari parteneriatul economic si strategic dintre Romania si Israel. Ne angajam sa valorificam cunostintele si conexiunile obtinute in urma acestui eveniment pentru a avansa initiative care vor beneficia industriile de aparare si aerospatiala ale ambelor natiuni.
Adresam multumiri sincere organizatorilor BSDA pentru gazduirea unui eveniment de o asemenea importanta si tuturor participantilor pentru contributiile lor la discutiile productive. CCIRI asteapta cu nerabdare sa continue eforturile de a crea un mediu dinamic si prosper pentru membrii si partenerii nostri din sectoarele de aparare si aerospatiala.
The Romania-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIRI) is pleased to announce its active participation in the Black Sea Defense & Aerospace (BSDA) event, a prestigious gathering that brings together decision-makers from the defense and aerospace industries.
BSDA represents a vital platform for facilitating dialogue and collaboration among industry leaders, government officials, and experts from around the world. By participating in this event, CCIRI underscores its commitment to promoting strong economic and strategic relations between Romania and Israel, especially in the defense and aerospace sectors.
CCIRI’s involvement in the BSDA highlights our dedication to supporting the growth and development of our member businesses and enhancing the economic and strategic partnership between Romania and Israel. We are committed to leveraging the knowledge and connections gained from this event to advance initiatives that will benefit the defense and aerospace industries of both nations.
We extend sincere thanks to the organizers of BSDA for hosting such an important event and to all participants for their contributions to the productive discussions. CCIRI looks forward to continuing its efforts to create a dynamic and prosperous environment for our members and partners in the defense and aerospace sectors.